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Why is my Application.XLookup in VBA giving "Type Mismatch" Error?

EDIT: Changed my code to use boolean logic instead of concatenating but am still getting the same error.

I am trying to use the application.xlookup in vba, and add extra criteria by concatenating the formula inside this code.

Sub employeelookup()
 SalesForm.BHSDEMPLOYEETD.Value = Application.XLookup(1, (Worksheets("TELEDATA").Range("E:E") = SalesForm.BHSDMAINNUMBERLF.Value) * (Worksheets("TELEDATA").Range("AI2:AI5") = SalesForm.BHSDRECORDTD.Value), Worksheets("TELEDATA").Range("F:F"))
End Sub

I have tried changing the parentheses and messing with the order but I was getting syntax errors. The code above should work in theory but I can't figure out where the Type Mismatch error is coming from.


  • You can put everything in arrays and loop those to find the value:

    Sub employeelookup()
        Dim mn_num As Double
        mn_num = Val(SalesForm.BHSDMAINNUMBERLF.Value)
        Dim rec As String
        rec = SalesForm.BHSDRECORDTD.Value
        Dim lkpmnArr As Variant
        lkpmnArr = Intersect(Worksheets("TELEDATA").UsedRange, Worksheets("TELEDATA").Range("E:E")).Value
        Dim lkprecArr As Variant
        lkprecArr = Intersect(Worksheets("TELEDATA").UsedRange, Worksheets("TELEDATA").Range("AI:AI")).Value
        Dim lkotArr As Variant
        lkotArr = Intersect(Worksheets("TELEDATA").UsedRange, Worksheets("TELEDATA").Range("F:F")).Value
        Dim otpt As String
        otpt = "Not Found"
        Dim i As Long
        For i = LBound(lkpmnArr, 1) To UBound(lkpmnArr, 1)
            If lkpmnArr(i, 1) = mn_num And lkprecArr(i, 1) = rec Then
                otpt = lkotArr(i, 1)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
        SalesForm.BHSDEMPLOYEETD.Value = otpt
    End Sub