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PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted in sitepress-multilingual-cms

I am facing on the error like PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2097160 bytes)in wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/classes/utilities/class-debug-backtrace.php line 138.

I tried to increase the memory limit in wp-config.php by adding define("WP_MEMORY_LIMIT", "512M"), but it didn't help me.

Also, tried to disable sitepress-multilingual-cms plugin by renaming the plugin folder name, but it was still no luck.

Is there any way to solve this critical error? If yes, that would be appreciated for any advise.



  • WordPress made a core change in version 6.2 that caused an infinite loop in X and Pro. We have fixed the issue in X 10.1.10 and Pro 6.1.10. If possible, please do not update to WordPress 6.2 until you are on these versions. Unfortunately it appears WordPress has changed their default setting to auto update to the latest versions (generally, never a good idea). You can change this in your WordPress settings.

    If you are already on WordPress 6.2 and having trouble accessing your site, please remove the X/Pro folder, download the latest version from your Themeco dashboard, and then re-upload and change your theme back to X/Pro. If you wish to manually fix the issue you can add return; to line 194 of framework/legacy/functions/plugins/cornerstone.php.