I am using the OpenAI "Create Image Edit" API link. My mask image is maskImage.png.
After calling the API, when the response comes, I have got the error:
Invalid input image - format must be in ['RGBA', 'LA', 'L'], got RGB."
How can I change the PNG image format as ['RGBA', 'LA', 'L'] in iOS Swift?
I have found a solution in JavaScript, How to validate an image before sending to DALL E API with front-end JavaScript. But I can not find a solution in iOS.
All you have to do is add opacity/alpha to the UIImage
extension UIImage {
var hasAlpha: Bool {
guard let alphaInfo = self.cgImage?.alphaInfo else {return false}
return alphaInfo != CGImageAlphaInfo.none &&
alphaInfo != CGImageAlphaInfo.noneSkipFirst &&
alphaInfo != CGImageAlphaInfo.noneSkipLast
Is a quick way to check if a UIImage
has alpha.
You can add alpha with
extension UIImage {
func imageWithAlpha(alpha: CGFloat) throws -> UIImage {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, scale)
draw(at: CGPointZero, blendMode: .normal, alpha: alpha)
guard let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() else{
throw ImageError.unableToAddAplhaToImage
return newImage
enum ImageError: LocalizedError{
case unableToAddAplhaToImage
1 being a dark image and 0 being a transparent image, OpenAI is looking for 0.
The method above will change the entire UIImage
, if you use this the entire image will be replaced.
A mask will only have sections of an image that have a value of 0.
The PNG you are showing doesn't show any pixels as zero.
In short, with the code above if image.hasAlpha == false
you will get the error you are talking about when you submit.
if if image.hasAlpha == true
then it is ok with OpenAI.
In javascript you can use Jimp to simplify the whole thing, you can do all the checks in just a few lines.
Dall E API error: "Invalid input image - format must be in ['RGBA', 'LA', 'L'], got RGB."