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customize the display format of tsibble yearmonth column?

Can I customize the display format of the time series column in tsibble ?

yearmonth allways like %Y %m,but i would like change the default format to %m-%y all over one chunk

tsibble::format not working


  • Maybe you're looking for format('%b-%Y')?

    df <- data.frame(
      date = c("2022-01-01","2022-02-01","2022-03-01",
    df |>
        date = tsibble::yearmonth(date) |>
    #>        date
    #> 1  Jan-2022
    #> 2  Feb-2022
    #> 3  Mar-2022
    #> 4  Apr-2022
    #> 5  May-2022
    #> 6  Jun-2022
    #> 7  Jul-2022
    #> 8  Aug-2022
    #> 9  Sep-2022
    #> 10 Oct-2022
    #> 11 Nov-2022
    #> 12 Dec-2022

    Another option is to use zoo::yearmon().

    df |>
        date = zoo::as.yearmon(date)
    #>        date
    #> 1  Jan 2022
    #> 2  Feb 2022
    #> 3  Mar 2022
    #> 4  Apr 2022
    #> 5  May 2022
    #> 6  Jun 2022
    #> 7  Jul 2022
    #> 8  Aug 2022
    #> 9  Sep 2022
    #> 10 Oct 2022
    #> 11 Nov 2022
    #> 12 Dec 2022