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Phpmailer not sending email to gmail

I'm making an OTP verification mail for my registration form, and I'm using to send a verification email to Gmail. but unfortunately, it won't send. I watched a tutorial about making an OTP verification form using phpmailer, still it wont work

here are my codes for the registration form.

    use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
    use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP;
    use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception;

    if (isset($_SESSION['SESSION_EMAIL'])) {
        header("Location: welcome.php");

    //Load Composer's autoloader
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';

    include 'config.php';
    $msg = "";

    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        $name = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['name']);
        $email = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['email']);
        $password = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, md5($_POST['password']));
        $confirm_password = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, md5($_POST['confirm-password']));
        $code = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, md5(rand()));

        if (mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='{$email}'")) > 0) {
            $msg = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>{$email} - This email address has been already exists.</div>";
        } else {
            if ($password === $confirm_password) {
                $sql = "INSERT INTO users (name, email, password, code) VALUES ('{$name}', '{$email}', '{$password}', '{$code}')";
                $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

                if ($result) {
                    echo "<div style='display: none;'>";
                    //Create an instance; passing `true` enables exceptions
                    $mail = new PHPMailer(true);

                    try {
                        //Server settings
                        $mail->SMTPDebug = SMTP::DEBUG_SERVER;                      //Enable verbose debug output
                        $mail->isSMTP();                                            //Send using SMTP
                        $mail->Host       = "tls://";                   //Set the SMTP server to send through
                        $mail->SMTPAuth   = true;                                   //Enable SMTP authentication
                        $mail->Username   = '';                     //SMTP username
                        $mail->Password   = '12345678';                               //SMTP password
                        $mail->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_SMTPS;            //Enable implicit TLS encryption
                        $mail->Port       = 587;                                    //TCP port to connect to; use 587 if you have set `SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS`


                        $mail->Subject = 'no reply';
                        $mail->Body    = 'Here is the verification link <b><a href="http://localhost/login/?verification='.$code.'">http://localhost/login/?verification='.$code.'</a></b>';

                        echo 'Message has been sent';
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        echo "Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: {$mail->ErrorInfo}";
                    echo "</div>";
                    $msg = "<div class='alert alert-info'>We've send a verification link on your email address.</div>";
                } else {
                    $msg = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>Something wrong went.</div>";
            } else {
                $msg = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>Password and Confirm Password do not match</div>";

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zxx">

    <title>Login Form - Brave Coder</title>
    <!-- Meta tag Keywords -->
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="keywords"
        content="Login Form" />
    <!-- //Meta tag Keywords -->

    <link href="//;400;500;600&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

    <!--/Style-CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/otp.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
    <!--//Style-CSS -->

    <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>



    <!-- form section start -->
    <section class="w3l-mockup-form">
        <div class="container">
            <!-- /form -->
            <div class="workinghny-form-grid">
                <div class="main-mockup">
                    <div class="alert-close">
                        <span class="fa fa-close"></span>
                    <div class="w3l_form align-self">
                        <div class="left_grid_info">
                            <img src="images/image2.svg" alt="">
                    <div class="content-wthree">
                        <h2>Register Now</h2>
                        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. </p>
                        <?php echo $msg; ?>
                        <form action="" method="post">
                            <input type="text" class="name" name="name" placeholder="Enter Your Name" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo $name; } ?>" required>
                            <input type="email" class="email" name="email" placeholder="Enter Your Email" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo $email; } ?>" required>
                            <input type="password" class="password" name="password" placeholder="Enter Your Password" required>
                            <input type="password" class="confirm-password" name="confirm-password" placeholder="Enter Your Confirm Password" required>
                            <button name="submit" class="btn" type="submit">Register</button>
                        <div class="social-icons">
                            <p>Have an account! <a href="guest_login.php">Login</a>.</p>
            <!-- //form -->
    <!-- //form section start -->

    <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
        $(document).ready(function (c) {
            $('.alert-close').on('click', function (c) {
                $('.main-mockup').fadeOut('slow', function (c) {



Somebody told me to replace my port and host to TLS 587, still it wont work. can anybody help me with this problem? thanks.


  • This is indeed a bit of a mess, and if you had followed the gmail example provided with PHPMailer you'd have had more luck. PHPMailer does support setting the SMTPSecure mode and the port number from the Host property, however, it's much clearer to set those properties explicitly. You're running into a problem with it because you have conflicting settings. Do this instead:

    $mail->Host       = '';
    $mail->SMTPAuth   = true;
    $mail->Username   = '';
    $mail->Password   = '12345678';
    $mail->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_SMTPS;
    $mail->Port       = 465;

    The troubleshooting guide explains all about the various different encryption options, and which ports they work on. These days, SMTPS on port 465 is the preferred option.

    Note that you are still likely to run into problems because gmail no longer allows simple password-based auth; you need to look into switching to XOAUTH2.