I have a dataframe (simplified version) as follows:
df <- data.frame(ID = rep('A',7), Activity =
ID Activity
1 A Login
2 A Login
3 A cat1
4 A Login
5 A cat2
6 A Login
7 A Login
Here is what I wish to do:
start from the first row
initiate session=0
create a dataframe to hold path
and count
If the Activity
is equal to Login
, then session=1
, check the next row's Activity
and record it. This will be a path
until the next Login
continue until you hit the next Login
, then set session=2
The final outcome for this example would be:
Path count
Login 3
Login, cat1 1
Login, cat12 1
Create groups based on "Login", split, then paste per group, finally, aggregate using table:
sapply(split(df$Activity, cumsum(df$Activity == "Login")), function(i){
paste(i, collapse = ",")
# Var1 Freq
# 1 Login 3
# 2 Login,cat1 1
# 3 Login,cat2 1