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Change default of where Grafana sends alerts to to "external"

I'm setting up a stack of Grafana, Prometheus and the Prometheus alert manager via docker, heavily relying on provisioning of all the configuration such as alert rules, dashboards and so on.

Because I will have to use the Prometheus alert manager, I want Grafana to be configured such, that it sends its alerts to the external alert manager.

Is there a possibility of setting this via any kind of configuration files instead of having to go on the Grafana Page and changing it manually in the Admin tab in Alerting?

I checked around a bit, but neither on the page about Grafana Configuration nor about Alert Provisioning I could find anything that would sound fitting to me.



  • I found a solution for my problem and I though I'll share it with you in case somebody ever needs something like it.

    It is possible to set the necessary config via Grafana's endpoint at http://grafana/api/v1/ngalert/admin_config, to which you have to post the value '{"alertmanagersChoice":"external"}'. (respectively internal for the internal alert manager or all for both.)

    So basically I just define another container in the docker-compose.yml with the curlimages/curl:latest image, that sends exactly this message to my Grafana container, as soon as it's fully started:

            image: grafana/grafana:latest-ubuntu
                test: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f localhost/api/health"]
                interval: 10s
                retries: 10
            container_name: config_container
                    condition: service_healthy
            image: curlimages/curl:latest
                - grafana
            command: >-
                -X POST --user admin:admin http://grafana/api/v1/ngalert/admin_config -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"alertmanagersChoice":"external"}'

    It might not be the perfect solution, as manual changes to the chosen alert manager done via the UI will be overwritten every time I start everything, but for my requirements that's good enough currently.