I am trying to use the python brokenaxes to break both x and y axis. I run the code suggested here https://www.codespeedy.com/create-a-plot-with-broken-axis-in-python-using-matplotlib/
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from brokenaxes import brokenaxes
import numpy as np
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
baxes = brokenaxes(xlims=((-2,3),(5,8)), ylims=((0,8),(9.5,21)), hspace=.1)
X = np.array([3,-1,0,4,5,-2,7])
Y = x**2
Z = x**3
However I get error:
AttributeError: 'SubplotSpec' object has no attribute 'is_last_row'
I ran the same code, and I'm able to see the output. But there's a small typo in your code. You have put lowercase x instead of the variable uppercase X for Y and Z.
Also I installed matplotlib 3.7.1 and brokenaxes 0.5.0. Please check these versions as well