I am trying to find words related to 'poss' to the word 'my' but it doesn't work. For example in reverse,
pattern = [
"RIGHT_ID": "anchor_founded",
"LEFT_ID": "anchor_founded",
"REL_OP": ">",
"RIGHT_ID": "founded_subject",
"RIGHT_ATTRS": {"DEP": "poss"},
matcher.add("FOUNDED", [pattern])
doc = nlp("My experienced CEO, has founded two AI startups.")
matches = matcher(doc)
gives anchor_founded: CEO founded_subject: My
But if I anchor this in "My"
pattern = [
"RIGHT_ID": "anchor_founded",
"LEFT_ID": "anchor_founded",
"REL_OP": "<",
"RIGHT_ID": "founded_subject",
"RIGHT_ATTRS": {"DEP": "poss"},
doesn't give any matches. Any thoughts? Ideally I want to get the second thing to work.
{"DEP": "poss"}
is a token pattern, which doesn't match the attributes for "founded", only for "My".
Inspect token.dep_
for the whole sentence and while it may vary a bit by model version, it will be something like this:
doc = nlp("My experienced CEO, has founded two AI startups.")
print([t.dep_ for t in doc])
# ['poss', 'amod', 'nsubj', 'punct', 'aux', 'ROOT', 'nummod', 'compound', 'dobj', 'punct']