In Ruby on Rails the ordinalize method does not work in the :de locale. The error given is:
> 1.ordinalize
=> "translation missing: de.number.nth.ordinalized"
It is easy to reproduce this:
rails new test1
gem by adding it to the Gemfile and running bundle
==> config/locales/de.yml <==
hello: "Hallo Welt"
==> config/locales/en.yml <==
hello: "Hello world"
==> config/locales/fr.yml <==
hello: "Bonjour le monde"
Then try and use ordinalize in rails console:
test1 git:(main) ✗ rails console
Loading development environment (Rails
3.1.2 :001 > I18n.locale
=> :en
3.1.2 :002 > 1.ordinalize
=> "1st"
3.1.2 :003 > I18n.locale = :fr
=> :fr
3.1.2 :004 > 1.ordinalize
=> "1er"
3.1.2 :005 > I18n.locale = :de
=> :de
3.1.2 :006 > 1.ordinalize
=> "translation missing: de.number.nth.ordinalized"
Looking at the rails-i18n source there appears to be code there to handle the number.nth.ordinalized
translation key in German and French
If I manually add a number.nth.ordinalized
key into my de.yml file then that translation is found.
Please can someone help me understand why this is not working and ideally explain what needs to change to make it work.
Thanks very much in advance.
The last release (7.0.6) of the rails-i18n gem was in November last year. The German ordinal code was added in February of this year.
You can wait for a release or switch to the main branch by changing the line in your Gemfile to:
gem 'rails-i18n', github: 'svenfuchs/rails-i18n', branch: 'master'
After which you should be able to get:
[2] pry(main)> I18n.locale = :de
=> :de
[3] pry(main)> 1.ordinalize
=> "1."