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PHP Google Analytics 4 Admin - retrieving GA accounts

I'm moving code from our development environment to a staging environment. I have created a project, an oauth client, user and a service account within that project. IN the analytics console, I see my first account, and it has a property. But when I run the following code, it tells me that there are no accounts:


$this->google_analytics_service_client = new AnalyticsAdminServiceClient();

    // make the API call.
    $account_summary_list = $analytics_service_client->listAccountSummaries();

    print "List of accounts:\n";
    foreach ($account_summary_list->iterateAllElements() as $element) 
        print " -- {$element->getDisplayName()}\n";
catch(Exception $e)
    print( "There was an Exception: " . $e->getMessage());

Contents of the json file for my service account:

    "type": "service_account",
    "project_id": "MY_PROJECT_ID",
    "private_key_id": PRIVATE_KEY_ID,
    "private_key": PRIVATE_KEY_CONTENTS,
    "client_email": SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL,
    "client_id": CLIENT_ID,
    "auth_uri": "",
    "token_uri": "",
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
    "client_x509_cert_url": ""

This is the proper key file for my Google project. The project_id is right there in the key file, I gave administrator access (for now) on the account to that service account - why am I not getting anything back from the listAccountSummaries call? This code is working in my development environment (different google project)


  • Ok, the problem was indeed access - I had given my User access to the account, instead of the service account itself. Once that was in place, I was set.
