I have made these 2 sketches that represents what im trying to make. When I compile the code I want a frame with 1 button that says "start", to appear (aka sketch 1). When I click start the start button goes away and a new button appears that says "pick up" and 3 panels that has a starter value of 0. When you click on the button, 1 of the 3 panels randomly picked will get +1 in value and the value in the panel will update and show the total value in that panel (SKETCH 2).
I hope you understand the idea, and I would like to know if this Is possible first ofc. And if you have an idea of where I could start, I would love to hear it (:
You don't need to scale anything!!
In you wxFrame create a function that will what you want.
Bind wxEVT_BUTTON to the wxButton click and wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN to the panel. There call that function.
Now - this will be one weird design. You may need to rethink what you want to do.
void MyFrame::Handler()
panel = new wxPanel();
button = new wxButton();
panel->Bind( wxEVT_LEFT_CLICK, &MyFrame::OnClick, this );
button->Bind( wxEVT_BUTTON, &MyFrame::OnButton, this );
void MyFrame::OnClick()
void MyFrame::OnButton()