I have a Laravel web site with the localization, for that web site I need to allow the requests with the URL patterns mentioned below. If not match with this URL pattern, need to navigate to the 404 page.
Can anyone guide me to do this by htaccess file?
# Run this code IF "mod_rewrite" module was enabled
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
# Enable server-side redirects
RewriteEngine On
# If the part after the domain is existed (so not just domain)
# %{REQUEST_URI}: the part after the domain
# !^/*$: not empty after "/"
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/*$
# If the part after the domain not end with de, it, or fr
# %{REQUEST_URI}: the part after the domain
# !: not
# /(de|it|fr): /de or /it or /fr
# $: need end of url after (de or it or fr)
# [NC]: treats lowercase and uppercase letters equally
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/(de|it|fr)$ [NC]
# In that case, it returns a 404 error
RewriteRule ^ - [R=404,L]
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/*$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/(de|it|fr)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^ - [R=404,L]
https://www.sampledomain.ch/ # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/some_text/de # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/some_text/it # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/some_text/fr # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/some_text/some_text/de # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/some_text/some_text/it # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/some_text/some_text/fr # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/de # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/it # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/fr # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/some_text/DE # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/some_text/It # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/some_text/rF # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/De # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/iT # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/FR # OK (not redirected)
https://www.sampledomain.ch/FR123 # 404 error
https://www.sampledomain.ch/fr/test # 404 error
https://www.sampledomain.ch/a # 404 error
However, if you are using Laravel, it is worth reconsidering the use of the built-in router as well!
The example, however, requires that we move the language code to the beginning of the URL, which is generally a common practice.
1. domain
2. language
3. any other parameters
Route::get('/{language}/{any}', function ($language, $any) {
// Handle the request in this function.
// The $language variable contains the language value,
// and the $any variable contains any part of the URL.
})->where('any', '.*');
Your task now is to handle the allowed languages.
Route::get('/{language}/{any}', function ($language, $any) {
$allowedLanguages = ['de', 'en', 'fr'];
if (!in_array(Str::lower($language), $allowedLanguages)) {
// If the language is valid, we can continue with the processing.
})->where('any', '.*');
More information here: Laravel Documentation - Route Parameters Encoded Forward Slashes