I'm solving a problem with PuLP in python and i'm trying to print the gap with solution.MIP.get_mip_relative_gap()
but it doesn't work.
Is there a way to get this information?
I would use orloge
Let me share a small example out of the zoo example.
import pulp
import cplex
import orloge
bus_problem = pulp.LpProblem("bus", pulp.LpMinimize)
nbBus40 = pulp.LpVariable('nbBus40', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')
nbBus30 = pulp.LpVariable('nbBus30', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')
# Objective function
bus_problem += 500 * nbBus40 + 400 * nbBus30, "cost"
# Constraints
bus_problem += 40 * nbBus40 + 30 * nbBus30 >= 300
solver = pulp.CPLEX_CMD(options=['set logfile c://temp//log.log','set mip limits solutions 2'])
for variable in bus_problem.variables():
print ("{} = {}".format(variable.name, variable.varValue))
logs_dict = orloge.get_info_solver('c://temp//log.log',"CPLEX")
best_bound, best_solution = logs_dict["best_bound"], logs_dict["best_solution"]
print("best_bound = ",best_bound)
print("best_solution = ",best_solution)
print("gap = ",abs(best_bound-best_solution)/(1e-10+abs(best_solution)))
which gives
nbBus30 = 1.0
nbBus40 = 7.0
best_bound = 3750.0
best_solution = 3900.0
gap = 0.03846153846153748