This is a follow up question of Python: how to sum/multiply an int with the value of a @property
In the initial question I wanted to do arythmetic operations on the value of a property (which was related to a class attribute); I found out I had to define the property as a classmethod.
Now suppose I want to be able to change that property too, like in:
class A:
__att = 3
def att(cls):
return cls.__att
def att(cls, val):
cls.__att = val
def changeAtt(cls, val):
cls.__att = val
def test_method(self):
return 3*A.att
a = A()
a.att = 5 #adding "att" to instance
Output is
Tha method changeAtt
do what I want, so it is something possible to accomplish, but if I try to uncomment the property setter, I get an error:
@att.setter AttributeError: 'classmethod' object has no attribute 'setter'
I also tried to invert the order of decorators, with no result. Again: what am I missing?
As chepner mentioned there are some restrictions in python to use @property with @classmethod and @xxx.setter.
but there is a workaround using meta classes:
class MyMetaClass(type):
__att = 8
def att(cls):
return cls.__att
def att(cls, value):
cls.__att = value
class A(metaclass=MyMetaClass):
this is working fine in python 3.10 and 3.11