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How to use Foxglove WebSocket server show a model?

How to use Foxglove WebSocket server to transmit protobuf-encoded data and display a model file in the studio?(python) Thanks

display a model file in the studio?


  • You'll need to create a SceneUpdate message that includes a SceneEntity. Include a ModelPrimitive in the scene entity to display a model. (The model's data can be embedded in the ModelPrimitive, or it can come from a URL.)

    Here's an example script you can use. It uses the Protobuf generated types from foxglove_schemas_protobuf and the example Flamingo.glb model from three.js.

    To demonstrate sending embedded data with the model, I loaded the flamingo model using requests.get, but you could also load it from a file using with open(...) as f: model_data = If your model is accessible at a public URL, you can simply set model.url instead of

    I included, as an optimization, a FoxgloveServerListener in order to send the model only when a client subscribes to the SceneUpdate channel. This avoids sending a large amount of data on every frame.

    pip install requests pyquaternion foxglove-websocket foxglove-schemas-protobuf
    import asyncio
    import math
    import requests
    import time
    from base64 import b64encode
    from foxglove_websocket import run_cancellable
    from foxglove_websocket.server import FoxgloveServer, FoxgloveServerListener
    from foxglove_schemas_protobuf.SceneUpdate_pb2 import SceneUpdate
    from foxglove_schemas_protobuf.FrameTransform_pb2 import FrameTransform
    from mcap_protobuf.schema import build_file_descriptor_set
    from pyquaternion import Quaternion
    async def main():
        flamingo_data = requests.get(
        async with FoxgloveServer("", 8765, "example server") as server:
            scene_chan_id = await server.add_channel(
                    "topic": "scene",
                    "encoding": "protobuf",
                    "schemaName": SceneUpdate.DESCRIPTOR.full_name,
                    "schema": b64encode(
            tf_chan_id = await server.add_channel(
                    "topic": "transforms",
                    "encoding": "protobuf",
                    "schemaName": FrameTransform.DESCRIPTOR.full_name,
                    "schema": b64encode(
            class Listener(FoxgloveServerListener):
                def on_subscribe(self, server, channel_id):
                    # Send the model data only when a client subscribes, to save bandwidth
                    if channel_id == scene_chan_id:
                        scene_update = SceneUpdate()
                        entity = scene_update.entities.add()
               = "model"
                        entity.frame_id = "model"
                        entity.frame_locked = True  # allow the entity to move when we update the "model" frame transforms
                        model = entity.models.add()
                        model.pose.position.x = 0
                        model.pose.position.y = 0
                        model.pose.position.z = 0
                        q = Quaternion(axis=[0, 0, 1], angle=0.25 * 2 * math.pi * now / 1e9)
                        model.pose.orientation.x = q.x
                        model.pose.orientation.y = q.y
                        model.pose.orientation.z = q.z
                        model.pose.orientation.w = q.w
                        model.color.r = 0.6
                        model.color.g = 0.2
                        model.color.b = 1
                        model.color.a = 0.8
                        # Use scale.x/y/z = 1 to use the original scale factor embedded in the model
                        model.scale.x = 0.01
                        model.scale.y = 0.01
                        model.scale.z = 0.01
               = flamingo_data
                        model.media_type = "model/gltf-binary"
                                scene_chan_id, now, scene_update.SerializeToString()
                def on_unsubscribe(self, server, channel_id):
            # Send the FrameTransform every frame to update the model's position
            while True:
                await asyncio.sleep(0.02)
                now = time.time_ns()
                transform = FrameTransform()
                transform.parent_frame_id = "root"
                transform.child_frame_id = "model"
                transform.translation.x = 0
                transform.translation.y = 0
                transform.translation.z = math.sin(now / 1e9 * 0.5)
                q = Quaternion(axis=[0, 0, 1], angle=-0.1 * 2 * math.pi * now / 1e9)
                transform.rotation.x = q.x
                transform.rotation.y = q.y
                transform.rotation.z = q.z
                transform.rotation.w = q.w
                await server.send_message(tf_chan_id, now, transform.SerializeToString())
    if __name__ == "__main__":