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NUnit: Test case source cannot be found

I'm getting a 'test case source cannot be found' error in the following code. I'm trying to parametrize an integration test with a bunch of example files located in the repository.

using Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing;
using Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing.Abstractions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;

namespace IntegrationTests
    public class IntegrationTestA
        public void TestA(string inputFile)

    public class InputFilesGenerator : IEnumerable
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            var matcher = new Matcher();

            string workingDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            var rootDirectory = Directory.GetParent(workingDirectory).Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent;
            var searchDirectories = rootDirectory.GetDirectories("samples");

            if (searchDirectories.Length != 1) { throw new Exception("Unexpected number of samples directories"); }
            var samplesDirectory = searchDirectories[0];

            var patternMatch = matcher.Execute(new DirectoryInfoWrapper(samplesDirectory));
            foreach (var file in patternMatch.Files)
                yield return file.Path.;

This code is modelled after the example given in the NUnit docs here

I've tried yield return new object[] { file.Path }; to no avail.

I've also tried replacing the entire enumerator code with

            for(int i =0; i < 10; i++)
                yield return i.ToString();

which didn't help, so my issue isn't there.


  • You have this, which is using the name of the class:


    It should be this, which uses the type:
