I'm quite a new user of dbt and I need some help whith the macros.
The point is that I'm trying to execute a macro after another macro in the same SQl.
The first macro look up to the most recent "data_modificacao" register by the "id_produto" and return it
the second macro use star to exclude some columns because the view has more than 60 columns, its a crap to call all them all the time
the code that I'm trying to apply the macros is:
on Produtos_Sem_Tratamento.sql:
Produtos as (
{{ registros_recentes(ref('stg_Produtos'), 'id_produto', 'data_modificacao') }}
final as (
{{filtrar_colunas_star(ref = Produtos,"row_number")}}
select * from final
the first macro code is:
{% macro registros_recentes(model_name, id_column_name, time_column_name) %}
added_row_number as (
,row_number() over(partition by {{id_column_name}} order by {{time_column_name}} desc) as row_number
from {{ model_name }}
first_register as (
from added_row_number
where row_number = 1
select * from first_register
{% endmacro %}
the second macro code is:
{% macro filtrar_colunas_star(model_name, column_name) %} /* column_name é o nome da coluna da 'chave_altoqi' */
{%- set columns = dbt_utils.star(from=model_name, except=[column_name]) -%}
colunas_filtradas as (
select {{columns}}
from {{model_name}}
select * from colunas_filtradas
{% endmacro %}
Can someone help me with that?
the error log is:
Compilation Error in model Produtos_Sem_Tratamento (models\marts\Zoho\basic\Produtos_Sem_Tratamento.sql)
Macro star expected a Relation but received the value: Produtos
does not work on CTEs. It only works on a Relation
. In your case, all you're doing is filtering out the row_number
column you added in the first CTE to the original ref
. You can just pass in the Relation
from the model into the second macro just like you did in the first.
You're not filtering any columns out of the original ref, so you don't even need the except
parameter. But, I left it below to keep the example consistent with the code in your question. You'll get the same result if you take it out.
{% set src_rel = ref('stg_Produtos') %}
Produtos as (
{{ registros_recentes(src_rel, 'id_produto', 'data_modificacao') }}
final as (
{{filtrar_colunas_star('Productos', "row_number", src_rel)}}
select * from final
{% macro filtrar_colunas_star(model_name, column_name, src_ref) %} /* column_name é o nome da coluna da 'chave_altoqi' */
{%- set columns = dbt_utils.star(from=src_ref, except=[column_name]) -%}
colunas_filtradas as (
select {{columns}}
from {{model_name}}
select * from colunas_filtradas
{% endmacro %}