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Does a svelte store inside class has to be unsubscribed?

I have a quite large svelteKit project where I use some classes. Inside these classes I use svelte stores.

import { writable, get } from 'svelte/store';

export default class ListController {
    listData = writable([]);

    hasSelection = writable(false);

    unsubscribe = this.listData.subscribe((listDataValue) => {
                listDataValue.some((item) => {
                    return item['selected'] == true;

And in +page.svelte:

    import ListTable from '$lib/Components/ListTable.svelte';
    import ListController from '$lib/Classes/ListController';
    let userGroupList = new ListController();
    let { listData, hasChanged } = userGroupList;

<ListTable {listData} />
<button disabled={$hasChanged}>Delete list entry</button>

If the page is detroyed, is the instance of the ListController and its svelte stores destroyd too? Or do I have to unsubscribe the listData subscribtion (this.listData.subscribe) inside the instance?


  • If the store is not global/from some outer context as in this case, the last reference to the store should disappear with the page instance and thus everything should ultimately be garbage collected automatically.