I am getting an exception after the StartProcessingAsync() method. The debug pointer goes to the "ProcessorErrorAsync" method. I followed similar steps provided in the link - https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/blob/main/sdk/servicebus/Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus/samples/Sample04_Processor.md Am I missing some steps here? Exception Details: error.Exception.Message:
Method not found: 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Microsoft.Azure.Amqp.AmqpMessage>> Microsoft.Azure.Amqp.ReceivingAmqpLink.ReceiveMessagesAsync(Int32, System.TimeSpan, System.TimeSpan, System.Threading.CancellationToken)'.
private void ListenerBind(string key, ServiceBusProcessorOptions onMessageOptions)
ServiceBusClient tempClient = this._cacheClient.Get(key);
ServiceBusProcessor tempProcessor = tempClient.CreateProcessor(this._topicName, this._subscriptionName, onMessageOptions);
//temp.OnMessageAsync(this.MessageProcessCallBackAsync, onMessageOptions);
tempProcessor.ProcessMessageAsync += MessageProcessCallBackAsync;
tempProcessor.ProcessErrorAsync += ProcessErrorAsync;
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
this._logger.Log($"{ex.Message}", EventLevel.Informational);
catch (Exception ex)
private Task ProcessErrorAsync(ProcessErrorEventArgs error)
Exception ex = new Exception(
$" , Action {error.ErrorSource}, " +
$" , Endpoint {error.FullyQualifiedNamespace}" +
$",EntityPath {error.EntityPath} "
, error.Exception);
this._onErrorCallback(ex, string.Empty);
return Task.CompletedTask;
I actually came across this error in my project as well. My VS solution has a Windows Service that listens to the Azure Service Bus and I have a console application which acts as a "Windows Service Runner" for local debugging. I kept getting the exception mentioned in the question while running my Service Runner and it turned out that I was missing the Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus package in my Service Runner console application.