So I cannot run any models on Dymola because I always get a compiling error on my laptop. I have installed different compilers (Visual Studio 2015,2019,2022 & MinGW etc..) but the problem seems not to go away. The Error message i get is the following: Dymola cannot compile a simple C-program, dsmodel.c in the current directory. Please check compiler installation.
Here is an image of the error message:
In the Simulations tab the following message is shown: WSL setup seems incorrect, as there are no messages from WSL.
I have also tried updating WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) to the latest version but unfortunately, that doesn't help the situation either.
Thank you for the help in advance!
I tried installing different compilers (MS Visual Studio 2015,2019,2022) I tried running different versions of Dymola (2021, 2023x) I tried updating WSL Windows Subsystem for Linux
Thank you so much for your answer Hans. I had to clean install windows last month because my hard drive was corrupted. I installed Dymola from scratch along with Visual Studio and now it seems to be working fine! I had tried your solution previously without success. But now the problems seems to be resolved anyways. Thanks!