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MongoDB Change Streams behavior with Spring data save() method

We use MongoDB with Spring data MongoDB. We configured change streams on the database and plugged a Kafka source connector.

We noticed that we had many "replace" events. This can cause problems on the volume of data to process. In the MongoDB doc, it says :

A replace event occurs when an update operation removes a document from a collection and replaces it with a new document, such as when the replaceOne method is called. MongoDB doc.

However, in our code we don't use replace. From what I read in the docs and what I saw in the database oplog, the save() of spring does not do delta updates.

So, are the updates of the save() considered as replace by the MongoDB change streams?



  • The save() in the MongoTemplate class of Spring data MongoDB uses replaceOne when the save is considered as an update (id already filled in the entity).