Search code examples

Spring Data R2dbc update failed when upgrading to Spring Boot 3

I tried to update one of my example project to the latest Spring Boot 3.0.5 stack, the original Spring Data R2dbc tests failed.

The R2dbc entity is like this.

@Table(value = "posts")
data class Post(
    val id: UUID? = null,

    var title: String,

    var content: String,

    var status: Status = Status.DRAFT,

    val createdAt: LocalDateTime? = null,

    val createdBy: String? = null,

    val updatedAt: LocalDateTime? = null,

    val version: Long? = null,

The PostSummary and PostRepository is:

data class PostSummary(var id: UUID, var title: String)

interface PostRepository :
        CoroutineCrudRepository<Post, UUID>, CoroutineSortingRepository<Post, UUID> {
    fun findByTitleContains(title: String): Flow<PostSummary>
    fun findByStatus(status: Status): Flow<Post>

The repository tests is like this.

class PostRepositoryTest {
    companion object {
        private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(

        private val postgreSQLContainer: PostgreSQLContainer<*> = PostgreSQLContainer<Nothing>("postgres:12")

        fun registerDynamicProperties(registry: DynamicPropertyRegistry) {
            registry.add("spring.r2dbc.url") {
            registry.add("spring.r2dbc.username") { postgreSQLContainer.username }
            registry.add("spring.r2dbc.password") { postgreSQLContainer.password }

    lateinit var dbclient: DatabaseClient

    lateinit var template: R2dbcEntityTemplate

    lateinit var posts: PostRepository

    fun setup() = runTest {
        val deleted = template.delete(
        log.debug("clean posts list before tests: $deleted")

    fun testDatabaseClientExisted() {

    fun testR2dbcEntityTemplateExisted() {

    fun testPostRepositoryExisted() {

    fun testInsertAndQuery() = runTest {
        val data = Post(title = "test title", content = "test content")
        val saved =
        // verify id is inserted.

        val existed = posts.findById(!!)!!
        log.debug("found existed post: $existed")
        //verify the saved data
        assertThat(existed.title).isEqualTo("test title")

        existed.apply {
            title = "update title"
            status = Status.PENDING_MODERATION
        }  // this line caused failure
        val updatedPosts = posts.findByTitleContains("update")

        //verify the updated title
        assertThat(updatedPosts.toList()[0].title).isEqualTo("update title")


I got the following exceptions:

2023-04-15T12:18:33.376+08:00 DEBUG 8320 --- [in @coroutine#2] com.example.demo.PostRepositoryTest      : 
found existed post: Post(id=1ba70b74-8de6-4200-8953-40f180a08c8b, title=test title, content=test content, status=DRAFT, createdAt=2023-04-15T12:18:33.213805, createdBy=null, updatedAt=2023-04-15T12:18:33.213805, version=0)
2023-04-15T12:18:33.528+08:00 DEBUG 8320 --- [in @coroutine#2] o.s.r2dbc.core.DefaultDatabaseClient     : 
Executing SQL statement [UPDATE posts SET title = $1, content = $2, status = $3, created_at = $4, created_by = $5, updated_at = $6, version = $7 WHERE = $8 AND (posts.version = $9)]
2023-04-15T12:18:33.607+08:00 DEBUG 8320 --- [in @coroutine#2] o.s.r2dbc.core.DefaultDatabaseClient     : 
Executing SQL statement [SELECT, posts.title FROM posts WHERE posts.title LIKE $1]
 Failed to instantiate com.example.demo.domain.model.Post 
using constructor fun <init>(java.util.UUID?, kotlin.String, kotlin.String, com.example.demo.domain.model.Status, java.time.LocalDateTime?, kotlin.String?, java.time.LocalDateTime?, kotlin.Long?): 
com.example.demo.domain.model.Post with arguments 
1ba70b74-8de6-4200-8953-40f180a08c8b,update title,null,null,null,null,null,null,248,null


I am not sure it is trying to instantiate an entity when updating the existed entity? In the test, I just want to update the title/status, not update content, which caused this exception.

Update: change content to nullable, the test is passed. But I think it is unreasonable.

The final select caused the issue, which does not select the content field. Although the query result is a Flow<PostSummary>, but the query still try to instantiate a Post firstly.


  • Your analysis isn't correct. The update statement passes, and the statement later on SELECT, posts.title FROM posts doesn't select the content column; Therefore, you cannot instantiate the object.