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React Native - NativeWind and react-native-dotenv conflict

I am new to React Native and am using Tailwind CSS and trying to implement react-native-dotenv.

I have installed NativeWind and Tailwind (as I believe you need both), which has been working up until I tried to implement react-native-dotenv.

The problem occurs when I update my babel.config.js to the following:

module.exports = function (api) {

  const presets = ["babel-preset-expo"];
  const plugins = [
        moduleName: "@env",
        path: ".env",
  return { presets, plugins };

Within the plugins...

If I remove nativewind/babel, the project loads with expo and works as intended (with no styling).

If I remove "module:react-native-dotenv..., the project loads with expo and works as intended with styling but no Dotenv functionality.

When I include BOTH of the plugins together in the babel.config.js file, it shows this error in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: nativewind__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NativeWindStyleSheet is undefined js unitlessNumbers.js:76 Webpack 48 unitlessNumbers.js:76"

I've also tried to separate the plugins into different files and re-import them into babel.config.js with no luck.

I have used a .babelrc file along with babel.config.js with no luck either.


  • I used to have similar problem, one of the possible solution is instead of using the module:react-native-dotenv plugin, you could try to use the babel-plugin-module-resolver package to resolve the path to the .env file, .

    You can do this in your babel.config.js file:

    return {
        presets: ["babel-preset-expo"],
        plugins: [
              alias: {
                "@env": "./.env",

    Good luck~