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How to specify a different column for the second argument of the regexp_replace function?

I tried to replace part of the column text with "?". But I got an error. I'd like to use the native dataframe in spark.

TypeError: Column is not iterable

data = [("John Doe", "123 Main St, Anytown, USA"),
        ("Jane Smith", "456 High St, Somewhere, USA")]

df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["name", "address"])
from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_replace, col
start = 3
end = 10
df_masked = df.withColumn("address_masked", regexp_replace(col("address"), substring("address", start, end), "??????????"))

expected result

name address_masked
John Doe 123????????, Anytown, USA
Jane Smith 456??????????, Somewhere, USA


  • Try with expr() to iterate through the column using substring function


    df_masked = df.withColumn("address_masked", expr(f'regexp_replace(address, substring(address, {start}, {end}), "??????????")'))
    #name   address address_masked
    #John Doe   123 Main St, Anytown, USA   12?????????? Anytown, USA
    #Jane Smith 456 High St, Somewhere, USA 45?????????? Somewhere, USA