I have this dynamic Object to get the system.__comobject from Access:
dynamic app = Marshal.GetActiveObject("Access.Application");
And now I open a form like this:
app.Run("gbOpenDataEditPart", "ediQuali.170013662.Wawi");
and that is working. It opens the right form from Access. Now what I want is to loop if this exactly already open. I thought maybe there is a method like if(IsOpen), but it isn't open. Is there another way to loop if this is open?
And I tried it with Powershell script with that but there is the Window not there too:
$accessApp = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetActiveObject("Access.Application")
$forms = $accessApp.CurrentProject.AllForms
foreach ($form in $forms) {
Write-Host "Form name: $($form.Name)"
I can see my Application which I want to look if it is already open or not but when I look through AllForms with that:
then there is no form which has the name I am searching for.
And no matter which Formular I will open in my Access:
He will always detect frmSysAuskunft and thats It no matter how many Forms I will have Open he will always just detect one with always the same name
Ok, I just add this:
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
And now in my code I can do this:
button to open form, button to close the form, and button to test/check if form is open.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
dynamic app = Interaction.GetObject(Class: "Access.Application");
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
dynamic app = Interaction.GetObject(Class: "Access.Application");
bool IsOpen = app.CurrentProject.AllForms("tblHotelsA").IsLoaded;
MessageBox.Show($"Status of form tblHotelsA \n Open:{IsOpen.ToString()}");
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
dynamic app = Interaction.GetObject(Class: "Access.Application");
So, the result is this: