I'm learning RTK query with Redux-toolkit. Reading this article from docs: https://redux.js.org/tutorials/essentials/part-8-rtk-query-advanced#implementing-optimistic-updates I wrote exactly the same blog from documentation, but got a big issue with CPU.
Even if I don't run the project, but my IDE is just open,- my CPU usage is loaded by 80-90% from the beginning. And onQueryStarted handler causes this. Because when I comment this handler out, - CPU usage immediately gets loaded by few %.
I tried to write blog from documentation by hands, but even If I do copy-paste entire apiSlice from redux documentation, - the problem is still the same.
So I will give a link to this slice form docs:
const patchResult = dispatch(
apiSlice.util.updateQueryData('getPosts', undefined, (draft) => {
// The `draft` is Immer-wrapped and can be "mutated" like in createSlice
const post = draft.find((post) => post.id === postId)
if (post) {
Because if I comment this out, - everything becomes OK immidiately. I created an issue for redux developers (with short video attached to show the issue): https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-toolkit/issues/3346
But 5 days already passed without answer. I want to learn this library, I like the concepts and idea, but I simply can't.
Maybe somebody already got this sort of problem and have some experience. Any answer will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
The problem was caused by default plugin in php storm IDE. Even after I turned it ON again, - everything is fine. Reloading IDE before didn't help, but this plugin does. Code works fine, no problems with CPU