I need to run a coroutine in a loop.
So, I created a new loop, then I created a task with asyncio.ensure_future(awatable, loop)
, last, I ran the task through the loop thanks to loop.run_forever(task)
However, when I launch the script, I receive an error telling me that the coroutine was never awaited. How is that possible? The first argument of ensure_future()
is an awaitable and does not need to be awaited, does it? Moreover, it tells me that I destroyed a pending task, but did I?
async def initiate_bot():
await bot.add_cog(my_commands.MusicBot(bot, prefix, float(volume), lyrics, bot_name, spotify_id, spotify_secret))
await bot.start(token)
# create loop
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
# create a task
task = asyncio.ensure_future(initiate_bot(), loop=loop)
# task runs forever
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# stop and close loop
Task was destroyed but it is pending! task: <Task pending name='Task-1' coro=<initiate_bot() running at /home/[user]/Scrivania/Coding/[project name]/main.py:45>> sys:1: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'initiate_bot' was never awaited
The loop.run_forever() function does not take any arguments. When you use asyncio.ensure_future() you are already scheduling the task for execution.
Python 3.7 introduced a new helper function asyncio.run() which automatically creates and destroys the asynchronous event loop. So, you can simply replace your code with:
async def initiate_bot():
await bot.add_cog(my_commands.MusicBot(bot, prefix, float(volume), lyrics, bot_name, spotify_id, spotify_secret))
await bot.start(token)