This is a snippet of my dataframe:
api_group commit_date type_of_change count
Other 2015 Non-Breaking 23
Mature 2016 Non-Breaking 96
Developing 2022 Breaking 2
Legacy 2022 Non-Breaking 3
Other 2019 Non-Breaking 148
Legacy 2018 Non-Breaking 5
Early 2019 Breaking 1793
Legacy 2021 Non-Breaking 12
Early 2016 Breaking 711
Mature 2022 Non-Breaking 30
I am trying to plot this graph:
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objs as go
new['commit_date'] = pd.to_datetime(new['commit_date'])
df_grouped = new.groupby([new['api_group'], new['commit_date'].dt.year, 'type_of_change'])['type_of_change'].count().reset_index(name='count')
figs = []
for api_group in df_grouped['api_group'].unique():
breaking_pivot = df_grouped[df_grouped['api_group'] == api_group].pivot_table(index='commit_date', columns='type_of_change', values='count', fill_value=0)
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=breaking_pivot.index, y=breaking_pivot['Breaking'], name='Breaking', line=dict(dash='solid'), line_width=2.5))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=breaking_pivot.index, y=breaking_pivot['Non-Breaking'], name='Non-Breaking', line=dict(dash='dot'), line_width=2.5))
fig.update_layout(title=f'Evolution of Breaking Changes Over Time for {api_group}', width=600, height=500, template='ggplot2', xaxis_title='Year', yaxis_title='Number of Releases')
for fig in figs:
For every api_group
, it displays the breaking and non breaking changes in it, but the issue is it plots all the graphs for all the 5 groups in a line, but I want them displayed side by side. The graph is this:
Is there a way I could do this, because I am not sure how to plot multiple traces using subplot
function in plotly.
I slightly changed your data to have a better example
import pandas as pd
import as px
data = [['Developing', 2022, 'Breaking', 2],
['Early', 2016, 'Breaking', 711],
['Early', 2019, 'Breaking', 1793],
['Legacy', 2018, 'Non-Breaking', 5],
['Legacy', 2021, 'Non-Breaking', 12],
['Legacy', 2022, 'Non-Breaking', 3],
['Mature', 2016, 'Non-Breaking', 96],
['Mature', 2022, 'Non-Breaking', 30],
['Other', 2015, 'Non-Breaking', 23],
['Other', 2019, 'Non-Breaking', 148],
['Other', 2017, 'Breaking', 15],
['Other', 2019, 'Breaking', 5]]
df = pd.DataFrame(
Now ou want to be sure data is correclty ordered
df = df.sort_values(
# here we leverage plotly express for
# subplots
fig = px.line(
# here I change to `dot` in case we are plotting
# 'Non-Breaking'
for d in
if d["legendgroup"] == 'Non-Breaking':
d["line"]["dash"] = "dot"