I am trying to use Uploadify with my Rails 3.1 app, i've went through all the steps (middleware, initializers, config ...etc) and i think they are all working good but for one thing, my authenticity token is being "evaluated" somewhere in the process and the (+) plus signs are then turned into spaces! .. my original token is
<meta content="GS19lVJNr+/6ghijiM/hNZbo9a89I64nn1Sg+1zbqC8=" name="csrf-token" />
while the one that i see on the console is
"authenticity_token"=>"GS19lVJNr /6ghijiM/hNZbo9a89I64nn1Sg 1zbqC8="
and this of course results in "Cant' verify authenticity token" error and then the request is redirected to elsewhere.
any ideas on that? thank you.
do you encode it?
If you're using something like encodeURIComponent
try it like so:
or just try to encode/decode the token right in the firebug/chrome tools to see what's happening
that's weird. Can you please show the entire scriptData you're sending?