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Changing Properties of a Slowly Changing Dimension Transformation in SSIS

I have a problem with changing the properties of the SCD transformation in SSIS 2005.

I can define all the properies and mappings the first time i edit the transformation and its working.

But when i open the property editor of the component again, it has forgotten all the entered configuration like the mappings of the table columns and the settings of the columns.

I even have searched in the generated XML for the settings but have not found anything meaningful.

SSIS has definitly stored the components configuration somewhere because its working fine until i open the editor.

I have searched the web but with no luck yet. Does anybody know where the settings are stored respectively how to force the components editor/assistant to not forget all my settings?


  • The SCD WIZARD in SSIS is not an editor, it is a wizard. That is one of its biggest drawbacks. It doesn't remember any configuration. Every time you use the wizard, it starts again from the beginning and recreates all of the object it uses to do the slowly changing dimension. If you want an SCD component that will remember the setting between uses, you should probably use the excellent tool by Todd McDermid: DimensionMerge SCD Component