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Resolving dependencies fails on boto3 and s3fs using poetry

I can install boto3, s3fs and pandas using :

pip install boto3 pandas s3fs

But it fails with poetry :

poetry add boto3 pandas s3fs

Here is the error :

Because no versions of s3fs match >2023.3.0,<2024.0.0
 and s3fs (2023.3.0) depends on aiobotocore (>=2.4.2,<2.5.0), s3fs (>=2023.3.0,<2024.0.0) requires aiobotocore (>=2.4.2,<2.5.0).
And because no versions of aiobotocore match >2.4.2,<2.5.0
 and aiobotocore (2.4.2) depends on botocore (>=1.27.59,<1.27.60), s3fs (>=2023.3.0,<2024.0.0) requires botocore (>=1.27.59,<1.27.60).
And because boto3 (1.26.91) depends on botocore (>=1.29.91,<1.30.0)
 and no versions of boto3 match >1.26.91,<2.0.0, s3fs (>=2023.3.0,<2024.0.0) is incompatible with boto3 (>=1.26.91,<2.0.0).
So, because engexploit-k8s-pod-operator-images depends on both boto3 (^1.26.91) and s3fs (^2023.3.0), version solving failed.


  • I was using s3fs through the pandas.read_csv method. I solved the question using only boto3, like in this answer.