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Add extra 'show' page with PDF [Laravel9]

I'm studying web.php about Adding one extra show page. I use one of sample CRUD program.

I'm trying to make show page with PDF print. PDF generate function is fine. I can download the pdf file.but I can't the single record. currently I wrote like this.


//I can download pdf file but I can't get single one record.
Route::get('/generate_pdf', [StudentController::class, 'generate_pdf'])->name('generate_pdf');

// below code works fine
     Route::resource('ddd',  StudentController::class)->parameters([
            'ddd' => 'student'


public function generate_pdf(Student $student, $id)
    $data = Student::whereId($student->id)->first();
    $date = new Carbon();        
    $pdf = PDF::loadView('myPDF', compact('data'));     

    return $pdf->download('download.pdf');

   public function show(Student $student)
        return view('show', compact('student'));

mypage.blade.php(When User click this link, PDF download starts.)

    <a href="{{ route('generate_pdf',
   $row->id)}}"class="btn btn-primarybtn-sm">
   print PDF</a>


I wrote like this same as show.blade.php

   <h1>PDF PRINT </h1>

   Name :    {{ $student->student_name }}

   Email:    {{ $student->student_email }}

Could you correct my code please?


  • what I would like to do is When user click link One record show up with PDF. PDF function works fine. but somehow I can't not get selected one record.

    You would need to have the student reference passed in the route.

    Route::get('generate_pdf/{student}', [

    There is no need of the second parameter in the controller function

    public function generate_pdf(Student $student)
        $date = new Carbon(); // remove this if not used
        $pdf = PDF::loadView('myPDF', compact('student'));     
        return $pdf->download('download.pdf');

    Also update the link in the blade file to:

    <a href="{{ route('generate_pdf', ['student' => $row->id]) }}"
       class="btn btn-primarybtn-sm"
    >Print PDF</a>
