Is there a way to display a table with many columns nicely in rmarkdown
PDF output? looking for some wrapper option to display it as say 3 consecutive tables but without breaking the data frame into 3 separate frames. Here is my chunk that makes the table very small and barely legible.
dat_url <- ''
dat <- read_csv(dat_url)
kable(head(dat), caption='Sample Data: 6 rows', booktabs=TRUE, linesep="") %>%
kable_styling(latex_options =c('striped', 'scale_down'))
'longtable = true' in kable to split table across pages, "repeat_header" to, you guessed it..
x_df %>%
kbl(caption = "caption",
align = "l",
format = "latex",
centering = FALSE,
booktabs = TRUE,
longtable = TRUE,
linesep = "") %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"), position = "left", full_width = F, fixed_thead = T, latex_options = c("striped", "HOLD_position", "repeat_header"))