I need to send the same data from the following image (Postman
I'm using Retrofit
with Coroutines
, I tried to use the following snippet to send the request:
suspend fun getMeasurement(
@HeaderMap authenticationHeaders: ApiHeaders,
@Part("userId") userId: RequestBody,
@Part("sessionId") sessionId: RequestBody,
@Part file: MultipartBody.Part,
@Part file2: MultipartBody.Part,
@Part file3: MultipartBody.Part,
@Part file4: MultipartBody.Part,
): Response<MeasurementResponse>
To create the MultipartBody.Part
fun createImageRequestBody(imageUri: Uri, fileName: String): MultipartBody.Part? {
context.contentResolver?.query(imageUri, null, null, null, null)?.use {
if (it.moveToFirst()) {
val picturePath =
val requestBody = File(picturePath).asRequestBody("image/jpeg".toMediaTypeOrNull())
return MultipartBody.Part.createFormData(
return null
to create the other parameters
val userId = user.id.toRequestBody("text/plain".toMediaTypeOrNull())
val sessionId = session.id.toRequestBody("text/plain".toMediaTypeOrNull())
I don't know why this results in an error 413 (entity too large) from the server, and it works fine when I try via Postman
. What I'm doing wrong?
I solved the problem just by removing HeaderMap from the parameters, but I don't know why.