I'd like to change the font of all of the text in my ggsurvplot()
plot to Proxima Nova, which is saved on my local computer. I've imported the font into R using the showtext
package, but I'm not sure how to adjust the ggsurvplot()
code to accept a font outside of the ggtheme
font_add("proxima", "~/Library/Fonts/Proxima\ Nova\ Font.otf")
data = df,
title = "Survival by Neighborhood SES",
xlab = "Time since hospital discharge (years)",
ylab = "Survival Probability",
legend.title = "Neighborhood",
legend.labs = c("Prosperous", "Comfortable", "Mid-Tier", "At-Risk", "Distressed"),
font.legend = 9,
conf.int = FALSE,
censor = FALSE,
surv.scale = "percent",
break.time.by = 2,
pval = T,
palette = c("#FFE082", "#FFB300", "#FF8F00", "#EF5350", "#B71C1C"),
ggtheme = theme_classic()
) +
text = element_text(family = "proxima")
When I add the theme
lines, I get the error
Error in ggsurvplot(surv_fit, data = df, title = "Survival by Neighborhood SES", : non-numeric argument to binary operator In addition: Warning message: Incompatible methods ("+.ggsurv", "+.gg") for "+"
I've tried adjusting font.family
but it doesn't seem to recognize my preferred font. Is there a different package I should be using for custom fonts? How do I adjust my code to use the font I've loaded with showtext
Got it! It looks like if you adjust the ggtheme line, you can add custom fonts:
ggtheme = theme_classic(base_family = "proxima"),
font.family = "proxima"