Existing Spreadsheet with Column A containing a years worth of dates (not contiguous - meaning there are blank rows with other than a date in them). On opening the Spreadsheet and without doing anything, I would like the Cursor to be positioned on the cell in column A that contains today's date. This then allows me to move to a specific column on that row to do data entry for today.
I can conditionally highlight the cell I wish to enter the data into, but there appears no way to position the cursor on that cell without manual intervention.
As above - I can highlight the cell I want the cursor to appear in, but how do I get calc to do that positioning for me automatically.
Yes, tasks with cursor positioning (selecting cell) are solved using a macro. The procedure code will not be very complicated. Your task consists of three steps:
You didn't say in which sheet of your spreadsheet you want to select a cell. Perhaps you only have one sheet. However, we will tell the macro the name of the sheet on which to perform actions, for example "myData".
Also you didn't specify in which column the cursor should be placed. Suppose this is column D (the number of this column is 3)
The macro code could be, for example, like this:
Sub selectCellByDate(Optional oEvent As Variant)
Dim oSheets As Variant, oSheet As Variant, oRange As Variant, oCursor As Variant
Dim dDate As Long
Dim oFA As Variant
Dim rowOfToday As Variant
Rem Get all sheetsa of the current spreadsheet:
oSheets = ThisComponent.getSheets()
If Not oSheets.hasByName(DEFAULT_SHEET_NAME) Then
MsgBox("The current spreadsheet does not contain a sheet named " & DEFAULT_SHEET_NAME, 16, "Attention!")
Exit Sub
Rem Get sheet by name:
oSheet = oSheets.getByName(DEFAULT_SHEET_NAME)
Rem Find last used row in sheet:
oCursor = oSheet.createCursor()
Rem Range from A1 to last used cell in column A:
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 0, 0, oCursor.getRangeAddress().EndRow)
Rem TODAY - we must store result of Date() to variable
Rem See https://help.libreoffice.org/latest/en-US/text/sbasic/shared/03030301.html
dDate = Date()
Rem To call Calc function from code:
oFA = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.sheet.FunctionAccess" )
Rem Try to search:
rowOfToday = oFA.callFunction("MATCH",Array(dDate,oRange,0))
If IsEmpty(rowOfToday) Then
MsgBox("Cell with today's date not found in range " & oRange.AbsoluteName, 16, "Attention!")
Exit Sub
Rem Cell to enter new data:
oRange = oSheet.getCellByPosition(COLUMN_TO_SELECT, rowOfToday - 1)
Rem Select cell:
oCurrentController = ThisComponent.getCurrentController()
Rem ...and deselect cell:
End Sub
I hope that the remarks in the code will help you understand what and how this subroutine does.
Put the code in your spreadsheet and try run
If this is difficult for you, then please look at this page - in the Structuring section you will find the necessary instructions for embedding Basic code in a document
If the macro does not work correctly, please make sure you change the sheet name in the DEFAULT_SHEET_NAME constant. Also, the macro will only work correctly if column A contains actual dates, not date-like text strings. Check the contents of your column A - press CTRL+F8 and see what color the values are displayed in: if they are black, then this is text, the macro will not work - the values should be blue.
If you encounter such a problem, do not worry - this page contains detailed instructions on how to fix the situation.
Last step. Set macro to event Open Document - this is also detailed in the documentation. For example this page - How to run a macro
Updated after more questions in the comments
Also pay attention to the drop-down list at the bottom - this is where you specify whether you need to run the macro for any opened document or only for one specified exactly.