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Web Scraping by BeautifulSoup if the data shown only if I click "show details"

I am trying to scrape data from selling cars website, when I enter the website I see a table of cars (type, price, year), but if I want to know more details about the car I have to click on the car and then it shows more details. How can i scrape data from the those details without Selenium?

import headers
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

page_num = 1
url = f"{page_num}"

req = requests.get(url, headers=headers.get_headers()).text

soup = BeautifulSoup(req,"html.parser")

def decide_row(soup):
    rows = soup.find_all('div',class_="feeditem table")
    return rows

def decide_details(rows):
    for car in rows:
        car_kilometrage = car.find('div',id='accordion_wide_0')



  • There are different approaches belonging to your needs:

    • extract data from the script section of the source

    • collecting item-ids, construct item url and request each item page

      for e in'div[item-id]'):