I have scattered data sets with different observations from different years in a list I want to group observations from the same years in the same datasets.
mydata1<-data.frame(ID=1:5, year=c(2011:2015),Weight=c(50:54))
mydata2<-data.frame(ID=6:10, year=c(2011:2013,2011,2014),Weight=c(52:56))
mydata3<-data.frame(ID=11:15, year=c(2011:2013,2011,2015),Weight=c(61:65))
mydata4<-data.frame(ID=16:20, year=c(2012:2014,2015,2013),Weight=c(70:74))
Normally, the code below allows me to do this, but that's not what I want. If I understand this method correctly, all the datasets are bound first, then split by year.
bind_rows(mydatalist) %>%
split(f = as.factor(.$year))
But I don't have enough space in my computer memory to join all my actual datasets
What I want to do is first split all the datasets by year, then join them back together.
I want something that does this internally:
ID year Weight
1 1 2011 50
ID year Weight
1 2 2012 51
ID year Weight
1 3 2013 52
ID year Weight
1 4 2014 53
ID year Weight
5 5 2015 54
ID year Weight
1 6 2011 52
2 9 2011 55
ID year Weight
1 7 2012 53
ID year Weight
1 8 2013 54
ID year Weight
1 10 2014 56
......... etc
before getting this format:
ID year Weight
1 1 2011 50
6 6 2011 52
9 9 2011 55
11 11 2011 61
14 14 2011 64
ID year Weight
2 2 2012 51
7 7 2012 53
12 12 2012 62
16 16 2012 70
ID year Weight
3 3 2013 52
8 8 2013 54
13 13 2013 63
17 17 2013 71
20 20 2013 74
ID year Weight
4 4 2014 53
10 10 2014 56
18 18 2014 72
ID year Weight
5 5 2015 54
15 15 2015 65
19 19 2015 73
Here's an option using purrr
If you want to do this in intermediate steps, you can just assign parts of the chained (%>%)
operations to a variable, e.g.:
step1 <- mydatalist %>%
map(~split(.x, .x$year))
step2 <- step1 %>%
list_flatten(name_spec = "{inner}") %>%
list_rbind() %>%
mydata1<-data.frame(ID=1:5, year=c(2011:2015),Weight=c(50:54))
mydata2<-data.frame(ID=6:10, year=c(2011:2013,2011,2014),Weight=c(52:56))
mydata3<-data.frame(ID=11:15, year=c(2011:2013,2011,2015),Weight=c(61:65))
mydata4<-data.frame(ID=16:20, year=c(2012:2014,2015,2013),Weight=c(70:74))
mydatalist %>%
map(~split(.x, .x$year)) %>%
list_flatten(name_spec = "{inner}") %>%
list_rbind() %>%
#> $`2011`
#> ID year Weight
#> 1 1 2011 50
#> 6 6 2011 52
#> 7 9 2011 55
#> 11 11 2011 61
#> 12 14 2011 64
#> $`2012`
#> ID year Weight
#> 2 2 2012 51
#> 8 7 2012 53
#> 13 12 2012 62
#> 16 16 2012 70
#> $`2013`
#> ID year Weight
#> 3 3 2013 52
#> 9 8 2013 54
#> 14 13 2013 63
#> 17 17 2013 71
#> 18 20 2013 74
#> $`2014`
#> ID year Weight
#> 4 4 2014 53
#> 10 10 2014 56
#> 19 18 2014 72
#> $`2015`
#> ID year Weight
#> 5 5 2015 54
#> 15 15 2015 65
#> 20 19 2015 73
Created on 2023-04-15 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)