Search code examples

Telethon make user reply to the sent message

Code should work like this I'm writing a telethon bot that should do the following:

  1. Bot listens to the messages sent by users in the channel.
  2. To the message '/start', bot greets the user with 'Hi {username}!'
  3. Bot makes the user auto reply to the message sent in step #2 (as if the user clicked the reply button of the message received from bot)

So far, I tried this code.

from telethon import TelegramClient, events

api_id = 'api_id'
api_hash = 'api_hash'
channel_id = 'channel_id'

client = TelegramClient("session", api_id, api_hash)
@client.on(events.NewMessage(chats=channel_id, pattern="/start"))
async def handler(event):
    sender = await event.get_sender()
    response = f"Hi [{sender.first_name}](tg://user?id={})!"
    await event.respond(response)


Code doesn't give any errors, but the button is not clicked either.


  • from telethon import TelegramClient, events
    from import Button
    api_id = 'api_id'
    api_hash = 'api_hash'
    bot_token = 'bot_token'
    bot = TelegramClient("bot", api_id, api_hash).start(bot_token=bot_token)
    async def main():
        async with bot:
            async def handler(event):
                sender = await event.get_sender()
                response = f"Hi [{sender.first_name}](tg://user?id={})!"
                await event.respond(response, buttons=Button.force_reply("some text"))
            await bot.run_until_disconnected()