I'm using podman 3.4.4 on Ubuntu 22.04 and am trying to setup a pod with a macvlan network. I'm running several other macvlan containers without issues, but when trying to setup a pod (caddy + a backend & a frontend in one pod) I can't expose port 80/443 as they are already exposed.
Setting up the pod:
podman pod create --name baz \
--network foonet \
--dns \
--ip \
-p 80:80 \
-p 443:443
podman network create -d macvlan\
-o parent=bridgeexample \
--subnet \
--gateway \
--ip-range \
One of the containers in the pod, exposes port 80/443:
podman create --pod baz \
--name baz_caddy \
The typical error message I've seen:
Apr 11 21:19:37 atomic podman[4039059]: Error: error starting container 30e70a74280cf68b5c92eb7b0f6955ee9c2f53396fe2f7fd1c48964f28ed8738: cannot listen on the TCP port: listen tcp4 :80: bind: address already in use
If I try to expose the port on the IP I've assigned the container (
) I get:
bind: cannot assign requested address
Any ideas?
Update: larsks was right, trying to export ports when using macvlan is incorrect. I removed the ports and things started working.
larsks solved the issue, I had an accident while thinking I should expose ports for macvlan backed networks.