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In PowerShell how to display filename in the output of compare-object

I am very new to PowerShell scripting.

I have two folders with hundreds of files with the same name in both folders. I am writing a long script to compare all the files and send output to a text file. When I use this script:

compare-object  (get-content "D:\Folder1\file1.js")  (get-content "D:\Folder2\file1.js")
compare-object  (get-content "D:\Folder1\file2.js")  (get-content "D:\Folder2\file2.js")
compare-object  (get-content "D:\Folder1\file3.js")  (get-content "D:\Folder2\file3.js")

All I get is this:

InputObject SideIndicator
----------- -------------

     * New Text =>
     *          <=

This doesn't tell me which file has this difference. I want it to display the file name also (anyone, first or second file name).

How can I achieve that?

I know I should be using Get-Children, but I need to learn the simple thing first which can be implemented in a loop.

========= Solution Posted As a Separate Answer ================


  • With kind help of participants I have managed to create the following script that might be helpful for others:

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
    $output = "result.txt"
    del $output
    get-Date >> $output
    Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path 'D:\Compare\Source\' -Include @('*.js','*.txt', '*.html', '*.css', '*.mxml') |
    Foreach-Object {
        $f1 = $_.FullName
        $f2 = $f1.replace("\Source\","\Comparewith\")
        echo "`n" >> $output
        echo  $f2 >> $output
        Test-Path -Path $f2 -PathType Leaf >> $output
        compare-object  (get-content $f1) (get-content $f2) >> $output
    get-Date >> $output

    Basically I have two folders. Source and Comparewith. I am picking up each file from the Source folder as $f1, creating a similar file name $f2 while replacing Source with Comparewith but keeping same file name, and then comparing both. I am using echo to print the name before each compare-object and also testing if the file exists in the Comparewith folder.

    Any improvement suggestion are welcome.