I am working with Rust and tauri. I have created the base application. If I build it works fine after installation
# build command
cargo tauri build
# installation
sudo dpkg -i tauri-app.0.0.0.deb
For next step I have created a new file index2.html
and in index.html
I have added the following lines
<a href="index2.html">Open the second file </a>
if i run with following command:
cargo tauri dev
works fine, I can access index2.html
but if I build and install, index2 cannot be found.
Any help will be appreciated.
----- EDIT ------
After reading Creating additional HTML pages I made some improvement. I have added this following code in vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import { resolve } from 'path';
const mobile =
process.env.TAURI_PLATFORM === "android" ||
process.env.TAURI_PLATFORM === "ios";
// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig(async () => ({
// Vite options tailored for Tauri development and only applied in `tauri dev` or `tauri build`
// prevent vite from obscuring rust errors
clearScreen: false,
// tauri expects a fixed port, fail if that port is not available
server: {
port: 1420,
strictPort: true,
// to make use of `TAURI_DEBUG` and other env variables
// https://tauri.studio/v1/api/config#buildconfig.beforedevcommand
envPrefix: ["VITE_", "TAURI_"],
build: {
// Tauri supports es2021
target: process.env.TAURI_PLATFORM == "windows" ? "chrome105" : "safari13",
// don't minify for debug builds
minify: !process.env.TAURI_DEBUG ? "esbuild" : false,
// produce sourcemaps for debug builds
sourcemap: !!process.env.TAURI_DEBUG,
// added code
build: {
rollupOptions: {
input: {
index: resolve(__dirname, 'index.html'),
index2: resolve(__dirname, 'index2.html'),
But, not seeing any improvement.
I have solved the issue.