I have just migrated from the HTTP(S) L7 Load balancer (Classic) to the new HTTP(S) L7 load balancer.
I currently have two backend services working fine, and I am looking at creating two backend buckets - however I am getting an error when creating them.
If I select simple host and path rule and specify the host, path and backend bucket - it works fine.
However, if I specify advanced host and path rule, and supply the following configuration:
defaultService: projects/MY_PROJECT/global/backendBuckets/my-backend-bucket
name: matcher2
- matchRules:
- prefixMatch: /
priority: 0
- backendService: projects/MY_PROJECT/global/backendBuckets/my-backend-bucket
weight: 100
I am getting this cryptic error
Invalid value for field 'resource': '{ "name": "my-loadbalancer", "hostRule": [{ "host": ["myhost.com"], "pathMatcher": ...'. Invalid resource: URL_MAP/ID.my-loadbalancer
Has anyone come across this issue before? I am getting this even though I am creating a new backend bucket. I also tried using the old backend buckets I had created with the classic load balancer, and still I am getting this error?
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
This concern is actually feasible just using a different yaml, I believe what you have tried is the yaml from code guidance under load balancer routing. I also tried to use the code guidance but I am having an error message wherein load balancer is not created.
I used the url maps documentation as a guidance and came up with this configuration and it worked using the advanced host and path.
name: video-matcher
- paths:
- /video/hd
- /video/hd/*
service: projects/project id /global/backendBuckets/bucketname