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Scala: Type Inference Failure on Lambda of Generic Numeric Type

In Scala 2.13.10, I'm running across this problem:

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

class Test[T : Numeric : ClassTag](data: Seq[T]) {

  def map(fn: T => T): Test[T] = { new Test( }

  def +(y: T): Test[T] = { => x + y)


does not compile. The error is

[Error] Test.scala:10:23: type mismatch;
 found   : T
 required: String

Removing the "+" method to make it compile and using the method with e.g. => x + y) works fine. I suspect the type inference algorithm needs a little more to go with to infer that these values are numeric and that the "+" operator in the lambda therefore isn't the string concatenation. How can I achieve that?

FWIW, IntelliJ flags the general area of the problem in the editor but with a different, weird error message. Not going to go into that as it is probably unrelated.


  • You should import the infixNumericOps to make the operator works for Numeric:

    import scala.reflect.ClassTag
    class Test[T : Numeric : ClassTag](data: Seq[T]) {
      def map(fn: T => T): Test[T] = { new Test( }
      def +(y: T): Test[T] = {
        import math.Numeric.Implicits.infixNumericOps => x + y)