Below code extracts n-th argument of function formatted as string. How can I implement it without providing the second function? Is it possible at all?
template <typename Type, typename ...Args>
static std::string getArgument(unsigned argumentIndex, Type value, Args... args)
if (argumentIndex != 0)
return getArgument(argumentIndex - 1, args...);
return std::to_string(value);
static std::string getArgument(unsigned argumentIndex)
return std::string();
Thanks @DrewDormann for getting the solution started. Here it is, rearranged to have the behavior of the original code for index-out-of-range:
template <typename Type, typename ...Args>
static std::string getArgument(unsigned argumentIndex, Type value, Args... args)
if (argumentIndex == 0)
return std::to_string(value);
if constexpr ( sizeof...(Args) > 0 ) {
return getArgument(argumentIndex - 1, args...);
return std::string();
The one-argument overload of the function is eliminated; a consequence is that the user can't call the function with only the argumentIndex
. My understanding of the question is that OP wanted this change.