I have a generic class that uses another derivative type (based on that generic type). I'd like to define the derivative type inside the class so I do not have to write it every time but TypeScript throws me an error.
current version (working):
class MyClass<T> {
t: T
doSomeThing(f: (t: T) => void) {}
doAnotherThing(g: (t: T) => void) {}
The version I want (not working):
class MyClass<T> {
static type FT = (t: T) => void
// throws error: I can't define type or interface inside class
t: T
doSomeThing(f: FT) {}
doAnotherThing(g: FT) {}
What is the right approach and solution. Thanks.
You may use a declared prop, or maybe a namspace
class MyClass<T> {
// it's instance property. It does not exists actually.
declare readonly FT: (t: T) => void;
doSomeThing(f: typeof this.FT) {}
doAnotherThing(g: MyClass.FT<T>) {}
declare namespace MyClass {
export type FT<T> = (t: T) => void
new MyClass<123>().doSomeThing
// ^?
// (method) MyClass<123>.doSomeThing(f: (t: 123) => void): void
new MyClass<123>().doAnotherThing
// ^?
// (method) MyClass<123>.doAnotherThing(g: (t: 123) => void): void