I am new to grpc and was wondering if there is a way to use simple types such as string or int32 inside method declaration in grpc proto file.
I tried so far using syntax as below but with no success:
syntax = "proto3";
package MyPackage.SimpleServices;
option csharp_namespace = "MyGrpcServices";
service MySimpleService {
rpc GetData(string) returns (ServiceData);
message ServiceData {
string fieldOne = 1;
int32 fieldTwo = 2;
string fieldThree = 3;
When i try to generate code from this i get error: Expected message type.
So here is my question: Is there any way to use simple type as input/output without wrapping it in message?
It is not possible.
But Google's Well-Known Types (WKT) includes e.g. StringValue
which is a message that includes a singular field of type string
and can be used as a solution to this problem.
The WKTs not only provide a solution (wrapping scalar types in messages) but provide a mechanism whereby using these types provides "type compatibility"; your use of e.g. StringValue
messages can be used in e.g. Google's RPCs and everywhere that this de facto standard is used.