I'm trying to create a two y-axis plot. Individually when I plot my bar and line plots they seem to work fine but I'm having difficulties combining the two.
For my bar plot, here's a sample of what my data looks like
treatment | month | fruit_origin | avg_weight |
F400 | 4 | 1 | 33.669 |
F400 | 4 | 2 | 26.200 |
And here's my code for the plot itself:
f400plot_fw <- ggplot(data= f400weight, aes(x = factor(month), y = avg_weight, fill = factor(fruit_origin) , color = factor(fruit_origin))) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge", alpha = 0.7) +
labs(x="", y="Aplot verage Fruit Weight (g)") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = avg_weight - error, ymax = avg_weight + error), position = position_dodge(0.9), width = 0.25, show.legend = FALSE) +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), legend.position = "none", axis.title.y = element_text(size=9), axis.text = element_text(size = 8)) + ylim(0,50) +
scale_fill_discrete(name = "Fruit Origin") + scale_color_discrete(name = "Fruit Origin") +
scale_fill_manual(values=c('deepskyblue1','forestgreen', 'navyblue', 'blueviolet')) + scale_color_manual(values=c('grey4', 'grey4', 'grey4', 'grey4'))
Then similarly for my line plot the data and code for the plot look like the following
treatment | month | yield |
F400 | 4 | 0.11 |
F400 | 5 | 2.02 |
lineup <- ggplot(data=montgomery, aes(x = month, y = yieldypoo, group =1)) +
geom_line(size=0.5) +
labs(x="Month of Production", y="Total Weekly Yield (kg)") +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
When I combine the two this is what I code and the third image is what I get
ggplot() + geom_col(data= f400weight, aes(x = factor(month), y = avg_weight, fill = factor(fruit_origin) , color = factor(fruit_origin)), position = "dodge", alpha = 0.7) +
labs(x="Month of Production", y="Average Fruit Weight (g)") +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
scale_fill_discrete(name = "Fruit Origin") + scale_color_discrete(name = "Fruit Origin") +
scale_fill_manual(values=c('deepskyblue1','forestgreen', 'navyblue', 'blueviolet')) + scale_color_manual(values=c('grey4', 'grey4', 'grey4', 'grey4')) +
geom_line(data = montgomery, aes(x = month, y = yield), size = 0.5, group =1) +
scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~.*0.2, name = "Total Weekly Yield (kg)"))
image im trying to fix Not sure how to adjust the shift on the x-axis or how to get the line plot data to correlate with the second y-axis. Thanks in advance :)
First, make sure your x values are consistent. You use month
in one case but factor(month)
in another; below, I use factor(month)
for both. Second, for cases like this, you need to transform the values for the second axis with the inverse transformation as the axis itself. ie, since the y-axis is transformed using ~.*0.2
, transform the y values using yield/0.2
ggplot() +
data = f400weight,
aes(factor(month), avg_weight, fill = factor(fruit_origin)),
color = "grey4",
position = "dodge",
alpha = 0.7
) +
geom_line(data = montgomery, aes(factor(month), yield/0.2), size = 0.5, group = 1) +
labs(x = "Month of Production", y = "Average Fruit Weight (g)") +
theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
scale_fill_manual("Fruit Origin", values = c('deepskyblue1','forestgreen', 'navyblue', 'blueviolet')) +
scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~.*0.2, name = "Total Weekly Yield (kg)"))
Sample data:
f400weight <- readr::read_tsv(
'treatment month fruit_origin avg_weight
F400 4 1 33.669
F400 4 2 26.200
F400 5 1 30
F400 5 2 25
F400 6 1 22
F400 6 2 30'
montgomery <- readr::read_tsv(
'treatment month yield
F400 4 0.11
F400 5 2.02
F400 6 2.5'