I am implementing SignalR in ASP.NET Core in my vuejs front end. In order to do this I need a global variable to access these events in my components but for some reason the dashboardHub variable shows undefined in console. Am I declaring them incorrectly on my vue instance?
<script>//setup routing using SPA VUE interface
const routes = [
{ path: '/', component: dashboard },
const router = new VueRouter({
routes, // short for `routes: routes`
console.log('Signalr mounted', window['signalR']); // output : Undefined
var signalR = window.signalR;
try {
this.connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
.withUrl(window.location.origin + '/dashboardHub', {})
console.log('Signalr Connection', connection);
} catch (error) {
console.error('SignalR error ', error)
// use new Vue instance as an event bus
const dashboardHub = new Vue()
// every component will use this.$questionHub to access the event bus
Vue.prototype.$dashboardHub = dashboardHub
// Forward server side SignalR events through $questionHub, where components will listen to them
connection.on('UpdateDashboard', () => {
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify({
options: {
customProperties: true
theme: {
themes: {
light: {
primary: '#6237A0',
secondary: '#9754CB',
alternatePrimary: '#7cb6b1',
accent: '#DEACF5',
textaccent: '#28104E',
background: '#f7f7f7',
error: '#b71c1c',
data() {
return {
flexcontainer: {
'display': 'flex'
flexchild: {
'min-width': '0',
'flex': '1 1 auto',
I use the dashboard variable in my dashboard components as follows:
created() {
// Listen to score changes coming from SignalR events
this.dashboardHub.$on('review-movement-hub', this.test)
However in the console.log it comes back as undefined but I did define it in the declaration section of my vue instance as shown above.
If you defined the variable as:
Vue.prototype.$dashboardHub = dashboardHub
Then you access it with the dollar prefix from the Vue instance
created() {
this.$dashboardHub.$on('review-movement-hub', this.test)